Encounters with Imagination – a festival of arts and education

So here is the brochure that I have bee working on for the past three weeks or so. But rather than showing off my work only  I’d like to ask you to actually help and spread the word about this event.

This is actually Warren’s baby and he is proud to be hosting this festival of arts and education entitled Encounters with Imagination. The festival is designed for educators, artists and people with a passion for discovery to experience the arts and educational ideas inspired by Waldorf education and anthroposophy. It is the first time the Rudof Steiner Centre Toronto has offered such a festival and they are hoping that it will be worthy of repetition in the future. Your attendance, support and feedback are most welcome. If you know of anyone who might be interested in attending please forward this link. To find out more please click on the link below to download the complete brochure or go to www.rsct.ca

Encounters with Imagination – an arts and education festival PDF file 275 kb

Many thanks!




Aqui está a o folder no qual eu estava trabalhando nas três últimas semanas. Mas ao invés de só mostrar oo fruto do meu trabalho eu gostaria de pedir a sua ajuda em divulgar o evento.

O festival é uma iniciativa doWarren e foi planejado para educadores, artistas e pessoas com paixão por novas descobertas experienciarem as artes e idéias educacionais inspiradas pela pedagogia Waldorf e pela antroposofia. É a primeira vez que o Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto oferece esse evento e esperam poder repetí-lo no futuro. A sua presença, apoio e feedback são muito benvindos. Se você sabe de algém que possa se interessar em comparecer por favoe encaminhe esse link. Para maiores informações clique no link abaixo para baixar o folder do evento ou vá no www.rsct.ca

Encounters with Imagination – an arts and education festival PDF file 275 kb

Muito obrigada!

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