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February 2012

Craft scene

I’ve been pretty bad at documenting my work lately, both visually and in words. I keep waiting until I have the time, …

My colourful girl

Marta loves to draw and she is not daunted in the least by a blank sheet of paper. Colour just seems to …

More snow creations

We had a wonderful snow fall the Saturday before last, but by Tuesday morning the snowmen we built had broken into pieces …

More Winter play

Last Saturday we had a whole morning of snow fall, the wet, good packing snow. Perfect for snow balls and snowmen. We …

Celebrating 5!

On Marta’s Birthday we invited five of her closest friends and their families to celebrate with us. The girls decorated candles using …

Playing with ice

So far the Winter has been pretty fickle up here. The temperature keeps floating between just below freezing and some 10C. We …