Summer Art Camp – year 2

We’re in between travels. We came back from the cottage on Sunday and we’re now preparing to go to Philly on Friday. Only four days at home to get the laundry done and all organized for the next trip!

We spent 10 days at the cottage and we named in it our “Summer Art Camp II”. Our days were filled with creative endeavors. Warren and Tim worked hard to complete the sculpture project they set off to do. But still some time was left for some oil painting. The children joined right in and worked on their own projects. Other than that there was a lot of yoga in the morning , journaling, swimming, playing, fairy gardening, reading, cooking delicious food, the occasional outing to town to have ice cream , visiting with our friends at the Radiance of the Ordinary and a storytelling session at an art gallery with our delightful Dawne! We had a wonderful time being nourished by friendship, nature and arts!

Only one thing was missing, though… some knitting. I even brought the yarn and needles but couldn’t fit it all in.



Estou entre viagens. Voltamos da cabana no domingo e agora estamos noa preparando para ir para a Filadélfia a sexta feira. Só quatro diazinhos em casa para lavar as roupas e nos organizar para a próxima viagem.

Nós passamos dez dias na cabana e demos o nome de “Colônia de Férias Artística” ao nosso feriado. Nossos dias formam recheados de aventruas criativas. O Warren e o Tim trabalharam duro para completar a escultura que eles começaram. Mas ainda sobrou um tempinho para a pintura a óleo. As meninas se juntaram a nós e puseram-se a pintar também. Além de muita arte também teve muita yoga, journaling, jardim de fadas, banho de lago, bricadeiras, leitura, comidinhas deliciosas, visita a cidade para tomar sorvete, visita aos nossos amigos da Radiance of the Ordinary e contacao de história com a nossa querida Dawne. Foram dez dias maravilhosos sendo nutridos pelas amizades, natureza e artes!

Só faltou uma coisa… tricô. Eu at~e levei fios e agulhas, mas não deu tempo de fazer tudo!



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