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Another try at spinning wool

  Here I am again, trying to learn how to spin wool. This week I’m trying to conquer the drop spindle, next …


Today is a day to be proud! I finished, after trying for three years, this beautiful shawlette called Ihsbel by Ysolda Teague. …

Creative output 2014

Happy New Year! 2014 was a good year in many ways. It wasn’t, however,  a good year for keeping this blog up …

The tiniest socks

I just finished those tiny socks for Lili’s baby doll. I love how cute they are.

New socks

  Socks for me! For those I used a very basic sock pattern and added the lace pattern from a stitch dictionary …

Finished Macro Mitts

Blog activity has been really slow lately, but I had to pop in just to show my finished Macro Mitts. It was …

Hot off the needles

  Boy, things have been very busy here since I came back from Quebec. We have a string of visitors coming, one …

Two finished projects

  I realized I show many more projects that I’m starting or working on then finished ones. Truth be said, some don’t …