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St. Michael and the dragon

Michaelmas is a Fall festival in which we reach inside ourselves to find strength and courage to go through the days that …

Still harvesting from our garden

Our garden is slowing down but we’re still getting tomatoes, beets, beet greens and chives. And flowers! The weather has been pretty …

Autumn Nature table

It’s been busy around here and I find myself creating/making things every little spare moment I have. I finished the set of peg …

The last harvest

We spent most of our Saturday working at home. We harvested the last carrots and beets from the garden and prepared the …

Autumn colours

Just thought I’d share some beautiful images from our Saturday. My mum is visiting with us and we drove up North to …

Autumn Leaves

This week we have been working on our Autumn nature table. We picked beautiful red, yellow and orange Maple leaves from the …

Welcome Autumn

Autumn arrived yesterday at 11:09 pm greeted by the full moon, known as the harvest moon, for the first time in 19 …