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crafts, Page 11


It’s ready! On Sunday we inaugurated our bread oven in big style. We invited friends over and made delicious pizza together. Now …

Door stopper

I found this big(ish) stone when we were camping this Summer and thought it would be nice to make a crochet cover …

Birds for babies

It feels like babies come in waves. All of the sudden a whole bunch of people you know seem to be expecting …

A birthday present

Thanks for all the get well wishes here on the blog and on FB. We have all recovered well and were able …

Autumn Leaves

This week we have been working on our Autumn nature table. We picked beautiful red, yellow and orange Maple leaves from the …

Whimsy projects

I actually love projects that manifest themselves out of a whim. They appear like this, out of the blue into my head …

Spot the difference

So here is another finished project that sat for a whole year in its project bag waiting for resolution. I started those …

Summer is going bye bye

The days are still warm (though 22 degrees Celsius is considered Winter temperature in Rio), but the mornings now are quite chilly. …

A bath mat

You might have noticed that the Summer hasn’t been a a very productive season (in what regards crafts) around here. With all …