Archive for March, 2008

Baking Bread with Children: book launch at Emerson College on 27 March 2008

Posted by on Mar 31 2008 | Baking Bread with Children, bread

Baking Bread with Children has now been launched into the world with a proper and joy filled celebration. Leavened with bread poetry by Paul Matthews, bread eurythmy by Glenys Waters, a story told by Julie Swithers and lots of bread (Challah and Dragon Loaves) baked by the Early Year Education Students at Emerson College, the book launch filled my heart with warmth. Such good friends and so much cheer!

Book launch party

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Baking Bread with Children

Posted by on Mar 01 2008 | Baking Bread with Children, bread


Dear Far Flung Friends and fellow bread bakers,
I am a proud papa once again.
I have given birth today to a new book.
It feels so good after such a long gestation (over 4 years).
I am pleased to announce the premier of Baking Bread with Children.
Here is a Review of Baking Bread with Children with details including the front and back covers.
If you or anyone you know are interested in obtaining a copy or three you can order them through

  1. the publisher at
  3. or signed copies from me by emailing me here

Much love to one and all,

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