Archive for September, 2009

Hal Walker plays BANAKULA

Posted by on Sep 29 2009 | Uncategorized

My dear friend Hal Walker has the ability to make music with just about anything. He is a highly skilled pianist and harm0nica player and is always exploring new instruments and ways of making music. He leads a church choir and teaches music of all varieties as an artist in residence and wandering minstrel. It is great to see him in action on his new website playing BANAKULA. Check it out.

Hal Walker plays Banakula

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Fire and Bread Sourdough Baking workshop

Posted by on Sep 16 2009 | Baking Bread with Children, bread, bread oven, Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto, waldorf teacher education, workshops

I am pleased to announce my first baking workshop in Canada.  Come and join me if you can.


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