Sculpture in wood and stone
- selection of spoons and rolling pin
- Bread Box
- Baby
- Baby
- Growth, Sun and Earth
- Venus
- Salmon Bowl
- Epiphany imagination
- Pentatonic Marimba
- Painted Hoop Drum
- Sun and Moon Drum
- Star Within
- Watery Buddha
- Micheal and Me
- Music Stand
- Curvey Table
- Full Moon
- Enter!
- The Stars Once Spoke to Man
- Apple Wood Reaching
Growing up in a home filled with sculpture (mostly my mother’s), I was inspired at an early age to enjoy sculptural  form and to want to make artistic and functional objects out of any media. I enjoy working with particular themes or questions and exploring these in a process of sculptural meditation. Equally I take great pleasure in revealing the form language of a piece of wood or stone as a sculpture emerges from the raw. This again is a process of discovery, but in this case led more by the material than by a contemplated idea.