

Baking Bread With Children
February 2008
Hawthorn Press Ltd.
paperback; 224pp
ISBN: 978-1-9034-60-0

Here is an invitation to share the magic of baking bread with children of all ages, and everything you need to get started: bread basics for beginners, a variety of delicious recipes, and a rich store of multicultural stories, songs and blessings to enliven the whole experience.

This book is irresistible! Warren Lee Cohen offers insights into the place that bread making can have in a child’s life and encourages us to find meaning and care in our baking.
Jade Bashford, Soil Association



Dragon Baked Bread

Dragon Baked Bread
An imaginative tale for children 6 years and older
Temple Lodge Publishing
June 2005; 32pp; 30 x 21 cm; hardback;
ISBN: 1 902636 70 8

‘This is a tale of bravery and bread
One of delight, of daring and dread
In which I befriend our dear Princess Alice
And help her to save this wonderful palace ɉ۪

On the day of the Fall Harvest Feast, the baker’s old cart collapses and falls into the moat, turning his flour and yeast into a doughy mess. How is the royal feast to be saved? The King calls on his advisers to solve the problem, but only the young Princess Alice has a solution. To the astonishment of those gathered round, she proposes to call on the dragon to bake the bread dough with its flaming roar. This leads to a fiery and delicious conclusion.

How great is that!!!??? I read your book to some children Friday night. They were entranced. Last night, I read it to my son at bed time. He was THRILLED. This afternoon I shared it with one of my friends at work. She loved it too. Thank you for writing it. I will treasure my copy ALWAYS!




Practical Exercises for Personal Development

Warren Lee Cohen
Rudolf Steiner Press
April 2006; RSP; 160pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; pb;
ISBN: 1 85584 109 6

In a world of rising tension and stress it is not uncommon to feel dominated and overwhelmed by the events of life. Raising the Soul, a practical guide to gaining a firm anchor and taking control of one’s situation, is based on seven contemplative exercises interpreted from the work of Rudolf Steiner. When carried out diligently, these simple exercises – which may take just a few minutes of each day – are powerful tools for personal growth and inner strengthening. They can help us, for example: to stay more balanced in emotionally charged situations; to see the positive side of any circumstance; to become more open-minded; and to develop an inner mood of gratitude. At the same time the exercises assist with the practical details of everyday life: remembering the important particulars of our day, putting intentions into action, and thinking more clearly.Raising the Soul presents a pathway to help us say ‘yes’ to more of what life offers – to be open to the abundance of life’s experiences. The book is organized so that each chapter introduces a different soul capacity that can be mastered in turn. The headings include: Review of the Day; Clear Thinking; Intention in Action; Balance in Feeling; Positive World View; Open Mind; and Gratitude. The book also offers clear descriptions of the exercises, a ‘Plan of Action’, and advice on developing a meditative practice.Review for Raising the Soul

Raising the Soul provides means for you to better deal with today’s hectic, stressful, cluttered, and chaotic lifestyles. If you think there should be more to your life than busyness and tension, then this is a great book to read and to stimulate you to take action by yourself for yourself. Raising the Soul is a very practical book that it is surprizing wasn’t written before. But perhaps there aren’t many authors who are both experienced in inner development and teachers. It gives clear, detailed explanations of how to consciously perform seven mental exercises, which have come down to us from ancient schools of learning, in ways that will best serve people in today’s modern societies. This is not about devoting your days to pious meditation or escaping from the real world and living in seclusion. It is about spending a short amount of time each day strengthening your inner self and capacities so you can live your life more fully, completely, and gratefully, achieve more, and regret less. It is about increasing your inner understanding and self control in order to gain more from and give more to your relationships and your working life, no matter what they entail. And there are lots of anecdotes from real people who have performed these exercises to show you that they do indeed work. Common difficulties for practitioners are also discussed. Again, this is not about a dream world, it’s about reality. Other books on self-development often use mystical language to explain things and/or fail to provide means for the everyday person to put what they discuss into practice. But not this one. The written style and language are clear and easy to understand. You can put into practice what you read immediately, if you wish. If you are the type who likes to hear about unseen worlds, I don’t think you’ll find anywhere a clearer and more concise discussion of the soul than is in Chapter 10. There are also suggestions for further reading. Enjoy the read and the examples, as Cohen suggests you do first. And after that, most of all, start doing the exercises.
Father of three

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