Bread Fellow

Posted by on May 08 2012 | art, bread, education, gothean science

I am tickled right down to my toes to receive this beautiful poem from Paul Matthews, my dear Foundation Studies colleague at Emerson College in Sussex England. Paul led me artfully to explore the full potential of science and art working side by side, of pursuing silly-seriousness, serious insights pursued imaginatively and at times peripherally. For the truth, much like a heffalump, can only be trapped in an unsuspecting sort of way…

(for Warren Lee Cohen)

Wisdom is a word you like.
I never relished it,

but have admired how
(loping across the yard)
you knead the good earth
with knees and feet.

It is in this wise
that I’ve savoured you.

Even your homespun hat
seems a bowl preparing
a thoughtful yeast to rise.

Your sourdoughs and your ryes.
You’ve tasted good.

Dear Warren,
Here is the poem I was trying to write for you upon your
farewell from Emerson all those years ago.
Whether it still applies to the person that you now are, I am not sure,
but as a poem I like it (unless the lines beginning:
It is in this wise… should come after: a thoughtful yeast to rise).
Anyway, here it is.

Love to all,


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