Archive for the 'art' Category

Deep Nourishment of Baking Bread Together

Posted by on Aug 26 2010 | art, Baking Bread with Children, bread, education, workshops


Breaking Bread Together

I have received the most touching responses from my Art of Baking Bread and an Evolving Picture of Human Consciousness workshop this summer. Baking bread together can be spiritual work that nourishes us body, soul and spirit. It is enlivening, awakens the senses and can be a whole lot of fun.

Hi Warren,

I had the pleasure of meeting you and your family at the RSI this summer. From the evening session in which you showed how to bake bread, the guidance of your book and the great bread starter that you gave me, I am baking very nutritious breads for my family (at least once a week): corn bread, plain bread, apple bread, scones and even pizza. I have not bought bread since I started baking! Every time I make bread I feel I ma meditating. It is a wonderful experience that I have never had while cooking. I dare to say that it feels like a spiritual practice. My children also help and I am trying to help them deepen their relationship with what they eat. 
Thank you for all your work and for inspiring others. 
Best wishes, 


Hello Alejandra,

What a beautiful testament to the deep nourishment of baking bread and sharing this gift with others. Thank you so much for this note. I will cherish it and likely share it with the people who are gathering with me this weekend to build bread ovens and bake pizza together. This work of baking together continues to amaze me in its power to to cultivate spiritual companionship.

Blessings on the bread

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Bread and Human Consciousness

Posted by on Jul 17 2010 | art, Baking Bread with Children, bread, bread oven, education, gothean science, workshops

This week the Rudolf Steiner Institute offered an opportunity to explore the interconnected themes of the art of baking bread and the evlution of human consciousness with a group of  nine very engaged and fun loving bakers. This full week hands-on intensive allowed us both to bake a whole range of breads and to explore how the human diet and consciousness have changed since the agricultural revolution. Further this led us to look into the interconnected symbiosis in this change of diet and consciousness, which I have been enjoying researching for some time now. With a theme this vast and admittedly far reaching, we could only hope to touch in at certain significant moments in this panoramic journey and taste the proceses at work in these historical times and cultures. Our journey took us from ancient India and old world chapatti to Greece andpita bread, from sourdough breads in northern and southern Europe, to yeasted bagels, cinammon rolls and to the pinnacle of bread extravagance organic sourdough all butter croissants and pan au chocolat – a truly delicious journey in bread and thought! The journey continued to the modern day, to Wonder Bread, Nutritionaism and Orthorexia Nervosa. What lays in the future we can only surmise…

We began our week with the mystery of the agricultural revolution, trying to develop a palpable understanding for how human kind learned how to develop wild plants into domesticated varieties, a power which we no longer possess (even with the advent of genetic engineering!). How our modern food plants and animals were bread from their wild predecesors is still far from clear as is how this early food was then prepared to eat. Again there are many missing links in trying to understand these processes. For instance how were the early grains ground and cooked? It is not as easy to do as you might imagine using only the traditional tools, and these challenges were an important part of our process of discovery.

Next we looked at Ancient Egyptian culture, which had developed over 40 different varieties of bread as depicted in their tomb paintings. In Egypt came the art of adding leaven to the bread. This made the bread more digestible, nutritious, tasty and helped it to keep longer. It is also easier to chew and use as a base or dipper with other foods. Egypt allowed bread to rise into the third dimension and along with that advance, Egyptians entered more fully into materialism.

Our sourdough repetoire expanded into French Peasant Loaves and Sourdough Rye bread flavoured with corriander and honey. These breads were surprisingly sweet and nutty (do to my method of keeping the sourdough starter firm and dry).  Here loaves are more complex and can be shared amongst many peoples. Oven technology had to mature to consistently and evenly bake these larger loaves. These breads grew well beyond the inflated plane of earlier loaves and allow crust and crumb to develop into more spherical loaf forms. We also felt how differently the rye grain/flour responds than does wheat and how satisfying each can be if worked appropriately to their nature.

As we progressed towards the modern day, we had to include at least one recipe with commercial yeast (I much prefer sourdough for the multiple reasons listed above including improved workability). We made sesame seeded bagles which not only have a slightly more complex form, but also have the added step of being boiled before painted with egg, sesame seeds and then baked. These were both light and chew.

Our bread journey turned decidedly more decadent in our last two days of baking  in which the bread organism become ever more finely layered and rich. On Thursday we baked All Spelt Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls with generous amounts butter, cinammon, brown sugar, raisins and pecans all rolled into long logs, sliced and baked. The contrast of cinammon sweetness and slightly tangy dough was most satisfying.


And lastly, we stretched the dough even more finely and folded it with 32 layers of butter, rolled into fine All Butter Sourdough Croissants. This pinnacle of the french culinary art required precise temperatures, conditions and exactness. the mood in the kitchen was decidedly more tense. The singing that filled the atmosphere from the previous days was lost as we busily tried to work the dough when it was the perfect temperature before racing it back into the refrigerator. It was definitely stressful at times working in such hot weather, but the results were remarkably delicious. We baked over 160 croissants, some filled with almond butter and/or chocolate, none of which remained to for the following day.

All in all we baked a tremendous amount of bread and were able to feed the 160 participants at the Rudolf Steiner Institute, whose praise was effusive. And not remarkably, many people were most deeply nourished by the simpler sourdough breads we baked. These were baked with joy and love and song. Blessings were kneaded right into every loaf and the participants, I am convinced, could taste these and enjoy these more subtle ingredients along with the substance of the bread. It is for this reason that I always encourage my students to sing to their loaves, to pray as they knead and imagine the loaves nourishing their loved ones. Then the love is baked right in.

As if all this activity were not enough, on top of all of this baking we also spent an hour and a half each day discussing a host of themes including: The evolution of human nutrition from antiquity to the modern day, the Agricultural revolution to Wonder Bread, We studied, drew and painted the wheat plant, looked at the sacred and daily role of bread and wine in our lives, explored issues around wheat/gluten intolerance and allergies, earthen bread ovens, and looked at elements of our own food biographies. Then in the afternoons Kevin Hughes led us in painting exercises. It was a full and deeply satisfying journey of collaborative baking and research.


Thank you to Joy for her enthusiasm and her wonderful photography. If you would like to see her whole beautiful photo essay of this week please visit Joy’s blog .

You guys/gals are some mightily inspiring bakers!

Thanks for a great week.

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Build a bread oven workshop

Posted by on Jul 04 2010 | art, bread, bread oven, education, workshops

Build two bread ovens with experienced oven builder, Warren Lee Cohen. Made from recycled clay, sand and straw, these hand (and feet!) sculpted ovens are kneaded right into shape and then allowed to harden.

We will fire one of them and use it to make organic sourdough pizza on the Sunday. Please bring your favourite topping and an apron.

Many participants from past workshops have gone on to build their own bread ovens.

King City, Ontario
Saturday August 28 and
Sunday August 29, 2010
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Course fee $125 (includes lunch both days
and all materials)

To register please contact Leslie
Tel. 905 833 3533



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Science and Art

Posted by on Apr 24 2010 | art, education, gothean science, poetry, Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto, waldorf teacher education, workshops

an experiment on a bird in an air pump by Joseph Wright of Derby 1768


At my recent Waldorf Science Curriculum Presentation at the Trillium Waldorf school in Guelph, I invited the participants to use a Phenomenological, Goethean Scientific process to explore the content and complex relationships and ultimately message of this wonderful painting by Joseph Wright. That’s right, we used a scientific process to find out way to a deeper understanding of a work of art. An engaging 45 minute discussion ensued in which we progressively worked our way from what we saw in the painting (objective – earth mode), the relationships and movement we observed (water mode), what each of the characters are expressing (air mode) and lastly the essence, meaning or message of this work of art (fire mode). Two days later I received these poetic insights from one of the participants, a biodynamic farmer no less:

On my way home from the Trillium evening, the following word/play came my way… The bumper sticker for the bird in the jar painting we looked at might be something along these lines: “A vacuum abhors nature too…”

As a rhyming couplet, may be:
“Which one does, the other, more…
Nature or a Vacuum…abhor?”

How delicious it is when art and science play together so harmoniously.

Thank you Mark!

Here is a link to more on Phenomenology and Goethean Science.

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Bread Houses Network

Posted by on Dec 08 2009 | art, bread

I received a link from a Bread artist in Bulgaria who is taking her love of bread and her desire to build community around the world by creating BREAD HOUSES, in home workshops in which the art of baking bread gives time and space for conversation and rekindling traditional crafts. I love the idea of cultural revival centred around the practical/spiritual activity of baking bread. This theme will inspire two Art of Bread workshops planned for this winter and spring in Toronto. Look here for details in the new year.

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Chinese Teachers Visit RSCT

Posted by on Dec 06 2009 | art, Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto, Toronto Waldorf School, waldorf teacher education

I am fortunate to recieve a steady stream of interesting visitors at the Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto. Many individuals and as well groups of teachers  from the local colleges, from Japan and most recently from China. Invariably the visitors have been intrigued by the beauty and integrity of Waldorf Education and have been eager to learn more. Below is an article by my colleague Anna Gruda who teaches both at RSCT and at the Toronto Waldorf School.

Chinese art teachers visit TWS.

So Obama was in China recently and Harper is there now.

We thought we would do our part and invite the Chinese to see us! It was actually, Kathleen Schmalz who  approached me  She is a former parent and founding Board member of Trillium Waldorf School in Guelph. She was contracted by York University to organize activities for 23 art teachers visiting from China. The teachers are part of a collective called Sun On Art Teachers and most of them teach high school art.

Having them land at our school was quite an experience for me: I knew Kathleen would accompany them along with an interpreter yet what a challenge to introduce Waldorf education to 23 people through an interpreter!

The teachers arrived a little earlier than expected: I ran into them in the lobby, where there were 23 cameras clicking away! The first thing I had to say was “Sorry, no taking pictures!”

I had organized a tour route that startedin the forum.Clearly the guests had not heard me as the cameras came out again. I like to think that the beauty of the space overwhelmed them! While exiting down the high school staircase they encountered one of our Chinese students and had a bit of a conversation. Next we made a quick stop into the chemistry lab to see how art and the sciences co-exist. Then we looked at the curriculum frames in the stairwell and headed past the EcoWerks area on our way to the handwork room.

Once we settled in I gave a presentation about Waldorf education and showed examples of art from Grade 1 to Grade 12. Some teachers looked a little sleepy but I was assured by Kathleen that it was night time in China and it had nothing to do with my highly expert and entertaining lecture!

After looking at student work and making transparent paper stars, we headed to the Rudolf Steiner Centre. By this time our visitors started asking serious questions about Waldorf teaching. The brochures about the teacher training program flew off the shelves as Warren Cohen invited them to meet this year’s students. A visit to the bookstore overwhelmed the staff and suddenly block crayons were all the rage.  Wendy, the interpreter had glazed eyes seeing herself return to Chengdu, her hometown, as a Waldorf teacher.

A little background: there are three Waldorf schools in China, one each in Beijing, Hong Kong and Chengdu. A very dear friend of mine, Peter Von Zezschwitz, has been there to encourage and educate the teachers at the budding schools. Peter is a former TWS parent and long time supporter of Waldorf education. It is incredible how synchronistic life can be as last Saturday I shared a meal with Peter in a Chinese restaurant near Durham, listening to stories about his time in China and sharing his knowledge of Steiner’s work.

At the end of the tour I was presented with a beautiful banner written in Chinese characters: it said ‘friendship’. As I shook each hand and looked in the eyes of these people I just met a few hours ago, I had an over whelming feeling that indeed friendship can happen despite language and cultural barriers. Sharing a Waldorf experience was a solid bridge of human connection. The amazing thing is that less than half way through the visit; I think they forgot about their cameras.

That is what I call the Waldorf ‘effect’.

Anna Gruda, Art & After School Program teacher

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Transformative Fire – bread baking and oil painting workshop in Italy

Posted by on Nov 14 2008 | art, bread, bread oven, workshops

A group of us came from England to Fabrizio Rossi’s beautiful villa in southern Italy. Each day we baked bread in the old bread oven built into the side of the villa. Then in the afternoons we each worked on one painting for the whole stay. We painted in stages that reflected the process of transformation that the bread goes through from milling, mixing with water, kneading, allowing time to rise, kneading and shaping and at last baking in a fiery oven. Each step is another process of transformation that turns simple substances into life sustaining and enahancing nourishment.

Transformative Fire - bread baking and oil painting workshop in Italy

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What is art?

Posted by on Feb 23 2008 | art, bread

Fellow bread enthusiast, oven builder and sculptor Kiko Denzer sent me the following thoughts on art.

“Art is engagement. My intuitive sense of the word was greatly strengthened when I found that the word “art” shares a common root with all these:
Harmony, Arm, Articulate, Article, Arithmetic (the art of counting)
Reason, Ratio, Rational, Ratify
Order, Ordain, Coordinate
Reading, Rite, Ritual, Kindred, Hatred!
How can we know harmony (much less reason, order, ritual, kindred) if we only work with one or two of our many innate faculties and senses?”

A sense for the artistic, for the beautiful and an ability to enter fully into an artistic process lie at the core of our ability to connect with the creative principles of nature. Art is a gateway to the creative spirit that lives within and builds us all.

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