Deep Nourishment of Baking Bread Together

Posted by on Aug 26 2010 | art, Baking Bread with Children, bread, education, workshops


Breaking Bread Together

I have received the most touching responses from my Art of Baking Bread and an Evolving Picture of Human Consciousness workshop this summer. Baking bread together can be spiritual work that nourishes us body, soul and spirit. It is enlivening, awakens the senses and can be a whole lot of fun.

Hi Warren,

I had the pleasure of meeting you and your family at the RSI this summer. From the evening session in which you showed how to bake bread, the guidance of your book and the great bread starter that you gave me, I am baking very nutritious breads for my family (at least once a week): corn bread, plain bread, apple bread, scones and even pizza. I have not bought bread since I started baking! Every time I make bread I feel I ma meditating. It is a wonderful experience that I have never had while cooking. I dare to say that it feels like a spiritual practice. My children also help and I am trying to help them deepen their relationship with what they eat. 
Thank you for all your work and for inspiring others. 
Best wishes, 


Hello Alejandra,

What a beautiful testament to the deep nourishment of baking bread and sharing this gift with others. Thank you so much for this note. I will cherish it and likely share it with the people who are gathering with me this weekend to build bread ovens and bake pizza together. This work of baking together continues to amaze me in its power to to cultivate spiritual companionship.

Blessings on the bread

2 comments for now

2 Responses to “Deep Nourishment of Baking Bread Together”

  1. Hi Warren.
    I’m impressed with your website. Bread and Art and how you have inspired so many. Im also an artist, and I live to inspire others with art. I also make portraits of other artists, and my name is also Warren. Random. Yeah.

    18 Nov 2010 at 2:26 am

  2. WLC

    Hello Warren Lee,

    Thank you for your feedback. I am very fortunate to be able to live as an artist in a variety of media and to support my family through teaching others. I do not imagine enjoying making my living a loaf at a time. My interests are far too sanguine. Rather, it is more fulfilling to try to inspire others to exercise their creative muscles in service of friends, family and ultimately humanity. In this vein preparing creative Waldorf teachers to live into the ideals of teaching as a lively art suits me well.

    It is an honour to meet another Warren Lee. I have come to believe that there is little room for chance in a meaning-filled world. I would enjoy seeing your work and learning about how it touches and inspires others.


    18 Nov 2010 at 7:19 am

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