Past workshops

Posted by on Sep 22 2009 |

Past Workshops 2011

  • Fire and Bread
    The Art of Baking Naturally Leavened Bread
    For Children and their parents
    Sunday September 25, 2011
    10:00 to 3:00
    Toronto Waldorf School outdoor bread oven
    to register contact Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto
    9100 Bathurst St #4 Richmond Hill, ON L4J 8C7
    905 764 7570
    http://www.rsct.caMeeting Anthroposophy; a journey into self and world

    Encounters with Imagination: Summer festival of Arts and Education
    Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto
    July 11 to 15, 2011

  • Bread Oven Building Weekend
    June 25 and 26, 2011
    Camphill Communities Ontario

Past workshops 2010

    • The Heart of Childhood, Preparing for Grades 3, 4 and 5 Waldorf Summer Intensives at Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto Monday July 5 through Thursday July 8
    • The Art of Baking Bread and an Evolving Picture of Human Consciousness Rudolf Steiner Institute, near Boston July 11 to 17


The Art of Baking Bread and an Evolving Picture of Human Consciousness Rudolf Steiner Institute, near Boston July 11 to 17 Come learn the Art of Baking with master baker, bread enthusiast and Waldorf teacher educator, Warren Lee Cohen. In this hands-on workshop we will explore the development of bread and the culture around breaking bread together. Our endeavors will span the gamut from the earliest flat breads, to hearty hearth loaves to the flakiest of croissants. We’ll work with unleavened dough, natural leaven, sourdough, commercial yeast and chemical rising agents to make a variety of tasty and nutritious breads that will help us understand with all of our senses how humans’ relationship to both food and consciousness has evolved over time. We will wrestle with how this most basic staff of life has also served as a central symbol in cultic and religious rites that inspire many spiritual traditions around the world. Real bread demands our attention at this time in history. It is under threat and has been reduced to a processed foodstuff. Yet bread, simple grain, water and leaven bread still has much more to offer humanity if only we can delve into its potential for physical, soul and spiritual nourishment. Our morning baking sessions will be offered an added leaven by afternoon painting sessions with Kevin Hughes. Kevin will lead us through a series of painting exercises to help us imagine more deeply into the alchemical process that allows the baker to transform wheat, water, leaven and salt into life giving and spirit nurturing bread.

Bread Oven Building Weekend


Build two bread ovens with experienced oven builder, Warren Lee Cohen. Made from recycled clay, sand and straw, these hand (and feet!) sculpted ovens are kneaded right into shape and then allowed to harden.

We will fire one of them and use it to make organic sourdough pizza on the Sunday. Please bring your favourite topping and an apron.

Many participants from past workshops have gone on to build their own bread ovens.

King City, Ontario
Saturday August 28 and
Sunday August 29, 2010
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Course fee $125 (includes lunch both days
and all materials)

To register please contact Leslie
Tel. 905 833 3533

    • Fire and Bread – Sourdough Basics
    • “What is Waldorf Education and why is it worth paying for?” Presentation at the Trillium Waldorf School Wednesday 17 February at 7:00 540 Victoria Road North Guelph, ON Canada N1E 6Z4 Telephone: 519-821-5140
    • Developing the Head, Heart and Hands of Waldorf Education in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 4 and 5 March 2010 Jardim -Escola Michaelis Rio de Janeiro
    • AWSNA Great Lakes Conference: Exploring the Roots of Being Workshop – Meditation, Science and Teaching Children Friday March 26 at the Toronto Waldorf School
    • Gateways: Making sense of the world Workshop for parents and teachers – Baking Bread with Children Friday and Saturday April 16 and 17 at the Toronto Waldorf School
    • Science in Waldorf Education: The Importance of Discovery Presentation at the Trillium Waldorf School Tuesday April 20  at 7:00 540 Victoria Road North Guelph, ON Canada
    • Uncovering the Mysteries of the Known CAIS Best Practices Conference 1 May 2010 Crescent School, Toronto
    • Inner Development of the Parent and Teacher 3 through 7 May To register please contact the Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto 9100 Bathurst St #4 Richmond Hill, ON L4J 8C7 905 764 7570 email: website
    • Bread and Fire – Baking with Fire Sunday 30 May from 10 to 4 at the Toronto Waldorf School To register please contact the Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto 9100 Bathurst St #4 Richmond Hill, ON L4J 8C7 905 764 7570 email: website

Sunday 7 February from 10 to 4 at the Toronto Waldorf School To register please contact the Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto 9100 Bathurst St #4 Richmond Hill, ON L4J 8C7 905 764 7570 email: website

Past workshops 2009

  • “What is Waldorf Education and why is it worth paying for?”
    Presentation at the Alan Howard Waldorf School
    Thursday 1 October at 7:30
  • Naturally leavened bread baking workshop
    Toronto Waldorf School
    Forget-me-not Kindergarten
    Saturday October 3, 2009
    10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Raising the Soul
    Inner Development for Parents and Teachers
    Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto
    4 to 8 May


Past workshops 2008

  • Bread and Soap
    Alchemy of Substance
    with Jonathan Code
    29 to 31 August, Upper Grange, Stroud
  • Building a Bread Oven
    15, 16 September, Nailsworth
  • Building a Bread Oven
    20, 21 September, Stroud
  • Fire and Bread
    with Anne Bass
    4 October, Wynstones School
  • Transformative Fire
    Five days in Southern Italy baking bread, painting with oils and drinking in the local culture
    17 to 22 october, Minervino, Puglia, Italy
  • Building a Bread Oven
    25, 26 October, Taurus Crafts, Lydney
  • Coming To Our Senses
    A way towards a science of wholeness
    with Wendy Cook
    31 October to 2 November, Embercombe

Course Descriptions and registration information

  • Bread and Soap
    Alchemy of Substance
    29 to 31 August, Upper Grange Stroud
    A hands-on weekend workshop exploring how we can transform natural
    ingredients into health-giving substances that care for our inner and
    outer well-being. We will follow the processes essential to creating
    hearty sourdough bread and beautiful hand made soap from start to
    finish. Lunches are included in the workshop and refreshments are
    Cost : £145.00 – includes materials for both soap making and bread
    baking, refreshments, and lunch on both saturday and sunday.
    to register contact
    or by phone 01453 766 931 or post: 18 Woodside, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 1PW
  • Building a Bread Oven
    15, 16 September, Nailsworth
    20, 21 September, Stroud
    25, 26 October, Taurus Crafts, Lydney
    We will build an earthen oven from the ground up. Beginning with finding the right site, we will design the oven to best meet its particular requirements. We will then dive in with both feet and hands to knead earth and sand and straw into maleable and strong cob. We will use this mixture to build a working (and beautiful!) bread oven. The goal is not only to complete a piece of functioning sculpture, but to give each participant the confidence to go home and build their own garden hearth. All tools will be provided. No experience needed. Please bring clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and a healthy sense of adventure.
    To register contact me here
    or telephone 01453 762 484
  • Fire and Bread (click here for pictures of past bread baking workshops)
    9:00 to 4:00 Saturday 4 October
    We’ll bake a variety of naturally leavened sourdough breads in the wood-fired clay oven that I built with the students at the Wynstones Steiner School. Baking bread can be fun and easy using only flour (spelt, wholemeal and rye), water, salt and sourdough. You’ll learn how to make and use your own sourdough culture to take home along with plenty of fresh bread and inspiration for future baking.
    Tuition £50 including all ingredients
    To register contact me at
    or telephone (0)1453 762 484
  • Transformative Fire
    17 to 22 October, Minervino, Puglia, Italy
    Five days in Souther Italy baking bread, painting with oils and drinking in the local mystique
    Last Year’s very successful Indigo Course ‘Transformative Fire’ is taking place in Italy this year! Warren Cohen and Karin Jarman have been invited to run their bread baking and painting course in a very special part of southern Italy, on a biodynamic farm in Puglia, which produces wine and olive oil. The course will include making bread with natural leaven and firing it in a wood oven. This will be accompanied by oil painting to follow the processes of the bread making. Interspersed between baking and painting there will be outings to local attractions as well as possible trips to mount Vesuvius or Pompey. The course will take place during the autumn half term, from the evening of Friday 17th October to Wednesday 22nd October and departing on Thursday. The finer details are still being worked out so if you are interested, please contact Karin Jarman via Indigo and she will supply costs and schedule. Fabrizio Rossi, who is hosting the event, will be most pleased to welcome you to his beautiful mansion! For more information contact:
    Karin Jarman 01453 757436 or email:
  • Coming to Our Senses
    31 October to 2 November, Embercombe
    With an emphasis on the potential for Goethe’s work to inform science education, the conference aim is to engage with the experiences, challenges and practical potentials of Goethe’s approach to science in the context of education and the exploration of the natural world through our senses.
    The conference themes and activities will, however, be of interest to anyone seeking either an introduction to, or a deepened awareness of, Goethe’s contribution to a science of wholeness.
    CONFERENCE FEE: £150.00  (Price includes mid-day and evening meals, tea and coffee, accommodation and all conference activities.) Some bursaries are available — please ask for details.
    Contact: Laura Cammish The Hiram Academy(01453) 837 605

Past Workshops 2008

  • Projective Geometry
    An introduction to Modern Sense Free Thinking
    Do parallel lines ever meet? In Projective Geometry they do, at infinity. They lead us through simple line drawings into a realm of beauty and new possibilities for intuitive thinking where sense and spirit touch creative forces that lie within all of 8 sessions beginning Friday 25 January 8:00 to 9:30 pm
    Moving the Imagination
    Projective Geometry and Spatial Dynamics
    7.30 pm Friday 11 – 12.30 pm Sunday 13 April
    Do parallel lines ever meet? In Projective Geometry they do, at infinity. They lead us (through simple line drawings) into a realm of beauty and new possibilities for intuitive thinking where sense and spirit touch. This work together will be accompanied by Spatial Dynamics, a form of movement in which the imaginations brought to us through this modern geometry can lead into an experience of recreative forces that move within the three planes of space. With Warren Lee Cohen and Paul Matthews.
    To register contact Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, England
    Tel: +44 (0)1342 822238 · Email:
  • Fire and Bread (click here for pictures of past bread baking workshops)
    9:00 to 4:00 Sunday 4 May
    We’ll bake a variety of naturally leavened sourdough breads in the wood-fired clay oven that I built with the students at the Wynstones Steiner School. Baking bread can be fun and easy using only flour (spelt, wholemeal and rye), water, salt and sourdough. You’ll learn how to make and use your own sourdough culture to take home along with plenty of fresh bread and inspiration for future baking.


  • Art of bread (click here for pictures of past bread baking workshops)
    7.30 pm Friday 16 – 2 pm Sunday 18 May
    7:30 pm Friday 13 – 2 pm Sunday 15 June
    Come explore the art of baking bread in our own wood-fired, clay oven. Taking the baking process from start to finish, experience the differences between naturally leavened and yeasted doughs, between hearth fired and oven baked loaves. We’ll investigate the aspects of baking that create healthy and nutritious bread and, of equal importance that allow for joy and meaning in the baking process. We’ll touch upon the history and lore of bread as it has arisen in sacred, secular and artistic ways. We’ll learn how to make a natural sourdough starter and bake wheat, rye and spelt loaves from it. For our grand finale we’ll create pitas and pizzas in the wood fired oven.
  • Hay Literature Festival – May 2008


I will be building a bread oven and baking bread with children of any age throughout the 9 days of the literature festival. This will be a very exciting event. If you are interested in helping as a volunteer, please contact me.

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